Statement Regarding Calling For A Military Coup
The Freedomist disavows and rejects, and we condemn, a statement by former General Michael Flynn in which he agreed that a military coup was necessary,...
The Glories of ACTUAL Capitalism
By Willem IV- Actual capitalism, not its gross mischaracterization or misappropriation, is glorious and would lead to universal opulence if actually achieved. We don't rail...
Capitalism Is Economic Justice For All
Universal Opulence Is Our Aim Bill Collier- As the President of The Capitalist League and coauthor of The Capitalist Manifesto, the definitive guide to the...
Willem IV- It may be very hard to see, but a loving and all-powerful God leads us down a path we ourselves would choose if...
Modern Gideonites Versus Modern Midianites
Bill Collier- Modern Midianites, led by ruling class elitists and their minions, are acting in ways that use your life as a mere commodity. The...
Inflation Is Theft And Stems From Amorality In Familial Virtues
By Bill Collier- We are experiencing inflation, worse than is being portrayed. But what is inflation and what is its genesis? In short, inflation is...
America Still Has Slaves
By Bill Collier- We have slavery in America today. Everyone in prison for crimes they didn't commit or that don't warrant indentured servitude as a...
The Woke Totalitarians Are Building A Dystopian Hellscape
Democrats today cannot maintain power without at least tacitly appeasing a woke authoritarian base whose ideas and beliefs, if made law or policy, would spell...